Week 1 of 18 Day 5 (Long run Day)

June 17th, 2006

7:15 am

Distance: 6 Miles
Weekly Distance: 18 Miles
Training Distance: 18 Miles
Time: 1:15 Minitues
Pace: 12:30 per mile
Average Speed: 5.2 Mph
Average HR: 141
Max HR: 172
Resting HR: ?
Weight: ?

Woke up early this morning for father's day in Prescott, Arizona. A very tough run seeing that the only thing I had for dinner was a hot dog. No carbs, or anything to keep me going. Also had to stop a few times to clear my throat and had a bathroom emergency that sidelined me for 15 minitues. I ran a few hills and had to on a constant incline, and that not only wore me down, but was very hard on me.

In Phoenix, I always run flat straight trails, but the hills really killed me. Not to mention that I had to stop in the middle for a pitstop.