Week 1 of 18 Day 4

June 16th, 2007

7:15 AM

Distance: 3 miles
Weekly Distance: 12 Miles
Training Distance: 12 Miles
Time: 32:03
Pace: 10:41
Average Speed: 5.6 Mph
Average HR: 148
HR Max: 172
Resting HR: 77
Weight: 155 Pounds

Had to take a break in the middle of the run as the temp rose to about 100 degrees, I got dizzy and stopped for about a quarter mile. I have to run earlier in order to take advantage of the lower temp, either that or keep running in the heat to condition myself. It is a lot tougher to run in the heat with at 20 degree difference.

Running in over 100 degree sucks, that's the only way to put it.

Numbers still not bad for stopping for a walk break. Tommorow is my long run of 6 miles, of which I'll do in Prescott where it is a little cooler.